Little Explorers: A STEAM Adventure for Preschoolers

Course Number
CS03: 25
Come and join the Children's Museum Easton as we delve into a world of fun and exhilarating STEAM curriculum ideas tailored specifically for your preschool classroom! Discover effective strategies and teaching practices that foster the development of reasoning, creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills in preschoolers through engaging, hands-on STEAM activities. Over the course of three sessions, each with a unique focus, we will progressively build upon the knowledge gained, creating a comprehensive learning experience.
Session 1: Exploring Science and Technology with Preschool Children
Session 2: Exploring Engineering, Art, and Mathematics with Preschool Children
Session 3: Building Your STEAM Classroom
  • Acquire valuable knowledge on effective strategies and teaching practices aimed at nurturing reasoning, creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills in preschoolers through engaging hands-on activities.
  • Deepen your comprehension of the significance of incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in Early Childhood Education (ECE).
  • Discover innovative strategies to create enriching STEAM learning opportunities within your classroom setting.
Horas del curso

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REQUIERE REGISTRO Descripción general

Target program type(s): All program types

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: Preschool


Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

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