7 Conflict Resolution Strategies

Course Number
CS11: 09
This Professional Learning Community (PLC) focuses on empowering participants with seven key strategies for effective conflict resolution. Participants will engage in a dynamic learning experience designed to bolster negotiation skills, particularly through the lens of complex and challenging situations that demand constructive feedback. 
Enhance Negotiation Skills: Sharpen your ability to navigate through tough negotiations with improved tactics and strategies.

Handle Emotionally Charged Situations: Learn to identify and resolve high-stress conflicts that are charged with emotion, preventing destructive outcomes.

Diagnose Workplace Conflict: Gain insights into the root causes of workplace disputes and understand the dynamics at play.

Problem-Solving Approach: Apply structured problem-solving methods to de-escalate and resolve conflict efficiently.

Experience-Based Learning: Participate in a roundtable discussion to share and analyze best practices drawn from real-life experiences.
Heures de cours

Événement(s) prévu(s) pour ce cours
This PLC is facilitated live via Zoom in English.

It is EEC's policy that participants must attend all three sessions to receive an EEC certificate. 

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