Reflective Practice 2: Infusing Reflective Practice Into Your Work (24)

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Course Number
CS04: 05

Pre-requisite:  Reflective Practice 1: Using Reflective Practice for Growth & Wellness

This professional learning community provides an opportunity to further develop skills in practicing the strategies introduced in the training Using Reflective Practice for Growth & Wellness, and cultivate reflective routines into professional practice (Four 1.5 Sessions).


Participants will:

  • Strengthen understanding of the principles of reflective practice as they relate to their professional skills; 
  • Practice self-reflection, shared reflection, and perspective-taking in order to gain greater reflective practice skills;
  • Develop and pursue plans to implement reflective routines into professional practice. 
Horas de curso

Eventos agendados para este curso

Before you enroll in this course, it is recommended that you first complete Reflective Practice 1: Using Reflective Practice for Growth & Wellness

Target program type(s): Group Child Care (GCC), Family Child Care (FCC) and After School and Out of School Time (ASOST)

Target audience: Administrators, FCC Providers


Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes 

This PLC can be used to fulfill the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care's required hours of professional development that address diverse learners.

All participants must be registered in order to receive EEC Training Hours for their participation.



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