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"Diving Into Practices" PLC involves FCC Educators using the EEC staff orientation as a guide to improve business practices. FCC Educators will learn the importance of using this resource and gain an understanding of how to use and implement in their FCC business. This PLC includes topics to effectively operate an FCC business including practices, mission and philosophy statements, and program goals/expectations.
By achieving these goals and objectives, the "Diving Into Practices" PLC will equip FCC educators with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to contribute effectively to the success of the FCC business while upholding its mission and values.
Educators will be able to identify and understand business practices as outlined in the EEC staff orientation checklist.
Educators will learn and understand the importance of protocols, and procedures outlined in the staff handbook and parent handbooks.
Educators will understand and learn how to use their mission statement and philosophy statement in the operation of their business.
Educators will understand and draft specific duties and expectations of staff in their programs (assistants)
Target program type(s): Family Child Care (FCC)
Target audience: FCC Providers
This PLC can be used to fulfill the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care's required hours of professional development.
All participants must be registered in order to receive EEC Training Hours for their participation.