Establishing Consequences and Distinguishing Them from Punishment

Course Number
CS04: 08
Establishing Consequences and Distinguishing Them from Punishment: Have you ever had the conversation with a coworker, parent of a child in your program or maybe on a personal level, with a family member or friend about positive discipline vs. punishment, or the difference between consequences and punishment and the effectiveness of each? I sure have! MANY times, and that is the reason for this training. It is designed to explain the differences between the two and offer strategies to move through effective relationship building to change behaviors in proactive, positive ways that stick.
- Gain an understanding of the differences between consequences and punishments
- Focus on how to help children to feel safe and cared for before trying to implement consequences
- Learn about the three types of consequences (natural, logical and problem-solving and when to use each
Course Hours

الحدث (الأحداث) المجدولة لهذه الدورة التدريبية
يتطلب التسجيل نظرة عامة

Target program type(s): All program types

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: All ages

Training Address: Online via Zoom

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

*This training will be facilitated in English*

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