Strategies for Challenging Behaviors (Online)

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Course Number
CS04: 07
Explore proven strategies designed to address challenging behaviors in both individual children and groups, emphasizing positive guidance principles and techniques, family involvement, and cultural influences. The focus is on principles and techniques of positive guidance, incorporating family engagement, cultural factors, and addressing unique challenges like sensory processing disorders. The course content is grounded in developmental and learning theories applicable to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. A key component of this training involves the utilization of observations as a valuable learning tool.
  • Analyze and apply developmental, cultural, and personality theories to understand the influences on behavior and the strategies employed.
  • Demonstrate and interpret the Antecedent/Behavior/Consequence (ABC) functional analysis method.
  • Examine, apply, and implement three strategies employed by adults to facilitate children's development and practice of appropriate and acceptable behavior within a guidance plan.
Horas de curso

Eventos agendados para este curso

Target program type(s): All program types

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: All ages

Training Address: Online via Zoom

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

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