Interactive Learning During Circle Time

Course Number
CS03: 21
A "good" Circle Time can set the tone for an early learning program's day, as it can set the stage for learning, offers the children opportunities for sharing and listening, and to experience many content areas within a supportive group environment. When not done well, Circle Time can be an in-effective, in-efficient time of the day because a teacher may have unrealistic expectations of the children. This series will help teachers assess their own Circle Time and offer many tips for adding some new unique learning opportunities to this time of the day.
  • Analyze the reasons why calendar and weather activities might not align with developmental appropriateness during Circle Time.
  • Evaluate the integration of the 5 components of math within Circle Time activities.
  • Apply attachment and attunement practices using dolls in the context of Circle Time.

Schemalagd(a) händelse(r) för den här kursen

Target program type(s): Family Child Care & Group Child Care

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group:

Training Address: Online via Zoom

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

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