How to complete a course with a tracking problem

If you return to a partially completed course, you may run into this problem:

The panel on the left side of the course screen includes the list of lessons and knowledge checks that describe the course structure and link to the specific sections.

Next to the lesson names, you will see a circle with a check mark that indicates completion, or a partial circle meaning incomplete.

If you attempt to move forward, you will see the error message: Lessons must be completed in order.

To resolve this issue:

  • Be sure that you have 30-45 minutes to complete this course in one session
  • Use the left side menu to go back to the beginning of the course (click on Course Overview)
  • Scroll quickly through the previously viewed lessons (do not review videos or click on every interactive item on the screen)
  • You will need to repeat the Knowledge Checks, regardless of whether you passed those quizzes in your earlier session
  • Proceed through the remaining content to the Final Assessment, Resources, Acknowledgement and Thank You screens
  • Click the EXIT button at the bottom of the screen
Course navigation menu with a Lessons must be completed in order error message

If you have any questions about this process, please contact us:

We apologize for this inconvenience.

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