Brick by Brick; The Wonder of Building Structures

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Course Number
CS03: 22
Observe the magic of a child constructing a tower from everyday items. In this training, participants will delve into the fascinating world of children's inquiry and wonder as they explore diverse materials. Discover the profound connections between building structures and language development, social-emotional skills, dramatic play, and fundamental science concepts. Join us to unravel the rich learning experiences that arise from children's natural curiosity and creativity.
  • Explore open and focused exploration with building materials.
  • Understand how building structures connects to other domains.
  • Use children’s literature to extend activities.
Horas de curso

Eventos agendados para este curso

Target program type(s): All program types

Target audience: All ECE Program Staff

Target age group: All ages

Training Address: *THIS IS AN IN-PERSON EVENT*

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.

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