Family Child Care Foundations of the Pyramid Model (24)

Course Number
CS02: 07_EN_24
This 6-session training introduces each level of the Pyramid Model approach. With a focus on supporting mixed age-group social emotional development, topic areas such as relationship-building, routines, and transitions will be discussed. Developmentally appropriate strategies for teaching social emotional skills, understanding behavior, and preventing challenging behavior within the family child care environment will be shared.

Learning Objectives
(Participants will)

  • Understand how all levels of the Pyramid Model Approach be applied to the family child care setting;
  • Gain knowledge in the social emotional development birth through 5 years and its connection to the behavior of very young children;
  • Utilize tools for assessing the effectiveness of the family child care environment in promoting social emotional development, preventing and addressing challenging behavior;
  • Utilize strategies for building relationships with very young children in a mixed-age-group setting;
  • Utilize strategies for supporting social emotional skill acquisition;
  • Understand the unique qualities of challenging behavior;
  • Utilize strategies for engaging families in the promotion of social emotional skills and positive behavior strategies;
  • Understand the importance of and implement strategies towards self-care;
  • Build skill in the practices of self-reflection, shared-reflection, perspective-taking, and observation in order to promote social emotional growth, as well as prevent and address challenging behavior.

要求注册 概览

Target program type(s): Family Child Care (FCC)

Target audience: Administrators, Teachers, FCC Providers


PLC Language: English

Does this training apply to diverse learners? Yes 

This PLC can be used to fulfill the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care's required hours of professional development that address diverse learners. 

All participants must be registered in order to receive credit (EEC Training Hours) for their participation.
