Design & Deliver: How to create effective training

Course Number
eCS03: 09_EN

EEC supports early education programs and out-of-school-time programs by offering professional development opportunities to educators like you. This course is for anyone that will be designing training for early childhood educators, which may include early childhood consultants, directors, site coordinators, family child care system professional development specialists, and anyone seeking to promote professional development within their organization.

This program will cover the following topics:

  • How Adults Learn
  • Learning Objectives & Assessments
  • Plan the Instruction
  • Training Delivery

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe characteristics of adult learners,
  • Identify your target learners,
  • Identify training goals and needs,
  • Write measurable learning objectives,
  • Design a storyboard/outline for a training opportunity,
  • Create effective assessments,
  • Encourage a climate conducive to learning, and
  • Apply adult learning principles to create engaging, meaningful training.
Course Hours
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